Sunday services:
We usually meet in Capel Berea Newydd, Bangor at 2:30pm on Sunday afternoons.
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Sunday services:
We usually meet in Ysgol Friars, Bangor at 10.30am on Sunday mornings.
We usually meet in Ysgol Friars, Bangor at 10.30am on Sunday mornings.
Mosaic Church has sprung out of a merger between Bangor Community Church and Hope Church. We are evangelical and charismatic and are part of the Salt & Light family of churches. We believe that all of us have a part to play, however big or small that may be, and in Christ, all our personalities, brokenness, gifts and skills can be brought together to make a beautiful picture to glorify Him.
We are a lively, family church with a relaxed, informal and contemporary style, keen to reach the people of Bangor and around with the truth, life and hope of the Christian gospel. We usually meet on Sundays at 2.30pm in Capel Berea and in midweek groups in homes.
Students are an integral part of our family and we encourage them to share in the life of the church. During term time approximately half of the people present on a Sunday will be students and many play an active role in the ministry of the church.